When the holiday lights dim, and the last of the eggnog has been sipped, our senior loved ones might find themselves with a case of the post-holiday blues.

It’s a time when the festive buzz hushes down, and for some, especially those who are isolated or managing health concerns, this quiet can feel a bit too silent.

With a dash of creativity, a pinch of humor, and a whole lot of love, we can help them keep (or rediscover) joy in the everyday.

Help Them Beat the Holiday Blues with Love, Laughter, and the Little Things


1 – Stay Connected

Regular catch-ups can do wonders. Maybe it’s time for a weekly “What’s new in the neighborhood” call, or a “Guess what I cooked today” video chat. Staying connected with others in meaningful ways has been shown to help older adults live longer, boost their mood, and have a sense of purpose.

2 – Get Moving

Encourage some light physical activity for those feel-good endorphins. Whether it’s indoor bowling or joining a local dance class, exercise can be a mood lifter. In fact, studies show that just 30 minutes a day of light activity can be linked with longer life expectancy.

3 – Keep a Routine

Help your senior loved one adapt their regular daily rhythm for winter. Swap out that chilly morning walk for a cozy stretch session or a virtual yoga class. Creating small, daily victories can help beat those post-holiday blues.

According to the Mayo Clinic, routine can help manage stress and anxiety​​.

4 – Dive Into a Hobby

Whether it’s painting, gardening, or mastering the art of crossword puzzles, hobbies are not just fun – they’re also therapeutic. Art therapy in particular can make a wonderful winter activity you can include your senior loved one in.

5 – Keep up Friendships

Encourage your senior loved one to enjoy small, safe social gatherings if and when possible. Lunch with the neighbor or a board game night can bring back the fun. Social activities are crucial for seniors, especially over the winter.

6 – Encourage Volunteering

Suggest winter volunteer activities that align with their interests. It’s a great way to help your senior loved one feel connected and purposeful. A few ideas: holiday meal programs, virtual mentoring, or local library support.

7 – Get in the Kitchen Together

We all know a healthy and diverse diet can majorly uplift our mood, but it can be easy to get stuck in a rut, especially during the winter. Maybe it’s time to try out that new smoothie recipe or bake a batch of nutritious oatmeal cookies together.

8 – Cozy up Their Living Space

If they can’t get out and about to get a chance of scenery, how about bringing one to them? Collaborate on making their living space more comfy and inviting. A little rearranging, some new cushions, better lighting. Voila, a lifted mood!

9 – Integrate Mindful Moments

Introduce them to simple mindfulness or relaxation techniques. Mindfulness practices, including meditation, have been shown to prevent depression and anxiety, improve cognition, and even help manage pain.

Studies indicate that these practices can enhance immune function, improve heart health, and lead to an overall better quality of 

10 – Consider Professional Guidance

And remember, if you notice signs of persistent sadness or anxiety, it’s a good idea to seek help from a healthcare professional. A little expert advice can go a long way.

Next Steps for Overcoming Post-Holiday Blues

With these strategies and a good dose of patience and empathy, you can help make the post-holiday period a time of renewed joy and connection for your senior loved ones.

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