Assisted Living for Couples in Clermont

16401 Good Hearth Boulevard, Clermont, FL

Assisted Living for Couples in Clermont

Benton House of Clermont is the perfect choice for couples who want to focus more on family, friends and fun.  Our active community is the perfect place for couples to continue to thrive with the support of our team. We ensure that our community is always filled with events and activities that are designed to keep our residents socially and mentally engaged. Benton House of Clermont is the perfect place for assisted living for couples as we work to assist seniors in daily tasks that can become burdensome. Our friendly and approachable staff members are trained to assist your senior loved ones in any way imaginable.

For more information on how your senior loved ones can benefit from assisted living for couples, please call Benton House of Clermont now at 352-604-4700. You can also reach out to any of our helpful associates by simply completing the online request form located on this page.

Care-Oriented Assisted Living for Couples in Clermont

At Benton House of Clermont, we make providing care-oriented assisted living for couples our top priority. Our community is the best option for senior couples looking to enjoy growing old together. We offer a beautiful community that also comes with added support that seniors need. Residents of Benton House of Clermont receive access to 24-hour emergency support in case the event of an emergency should arise. Our assisted living for couples also features housekeeping and linen services around residences so our residents don’t have to concern themselves with doing laundry. We cook and prepare 5 delicious meals a day for residents while they have the opportunity to partake in various recreational and social activities.

Community Assisted Living for Couples in Clermont

Benton House of Clermont is proud to be a bright and vibrant community that provides assisted living for couples. We encourage each of our members to take advantage of the opportunity to spend time with others in common areas to build lasting relationships with fellow residents.

To learn more about our community and how we can provide assisted living for couples, call Benton House of Clermont today at 352-604-4700. Visitors can also schedule a tour of our community by filling out the easy to use form found on this page.

Assisted Living for Couples in Clermont

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