Benton House of Florence

U N D E R S T A N D I N G Y O U R B E S T O P T I O N S MEDICARE/MEDICAID - DO YOU QUALIFY? Many people mistakenly assume all seniors housing is paid for by Medicare or Medicaid. In fact, both programs have strict qualifications. Be sure you understand your eligibility and specific needs as you consider options. WHAT DOES BENTON HOUSE COST? Benton House compares very favorably to other options such as traditional skilled care or expensive private duty sitters. Pricing varies depending on your choice of apartment style. However, every apartment option includes meals, housekeeping, utilities, emergency response, 24-hour access to staff and regular social events. And to keep things simple we offer just 2 comprehensive levels of care and services. Call today to learn more about current pricing and availability. FINANCIAL CONSIDERATIONS T he Benton House Respite Program lets your loved one join our community as a resident on a temporarybasis. Apartments are fully furnished andguests only need to pack a suitcase. Families use our respite option to plan for vacations, help during work or personal emergencies, or even to serve as an intermediate step before returning home after a medical emergency. Short term stay residents are considered to be a part of the family. They enjoy the same services and amenities as other residents in the community. Apartment furnishings, including television, are provided. Call today to learn more about these wonderful options and our current availability. We are proud to offer this benefit to caregivers and hope we can serve you and your family in the future. SHORT TERM STAYS O U R R E S P I T E P R O G R A M 12 13 florence • 854-400-6644 HOME STORY INTRO STAFF DESIGN DINING LIFE SERVICES MEMORY RESPITE FINANCIAL CONTACT